Found a Chinese Ch'an Master who clearly had insights into anatta, dependent origination and emptiness. John Tan and I thinks his expressions are good. He seems to have progressed from true self, one mind, into anatta and emptiness.

Ven. Chi Chern 釋繼程

Flipped through the following books:




John Tan and I thinks this book by Peter Brown is good. Worth reading. As JT says, his insight is higher than anatta/post anatta. I wrote a critique in 2013 and said his insight sounded substantialist/one mind, but clearly his insights have deepened since (or I simply misjudged him earlier on).

Amazon's A.I. is getting more intelligent at recommending me good books.

Update: Seems like John Tan didn't find it as impressive as he thought it will be, nonetheless I still think it's a good read and the insight of anatta is there.
John tan said
“U can really sell 🤣.
After reading half of the so only. Initially I was quite impressed with certain passages u sent me about his understandings on:
1. appearances as presence
2. how he sees through conventions.
3. vibrancy of aliveness through Yoga.
The word "yoga" in his book title misled I thought he was a yogi with deep anatta insight, clear abt deconstruction techniques on conventional and conceptual constructs and more importantly on yoga energy system which will b quite rare.
But nothing about that after buying and reading the book...🤪
[9:00 AM, 8/16/2020] Soh Wei Yu: U finished reading?
[9:50 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: Almost
[9:56 AM, 8/16/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Im still beginning.. think his insight is anatta but a bit of subsuming
[9:56 AM, 8/16/2020] Soh Wei Yu: ?
[9:58 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: Depends, seems like he feels that presence is real...
[10:05 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: Also how one deconstructs conventional reality also crucial.  Not mentioned at all...clearly knowing the relationship between mental constructs and presence is pivotal...he talked too much abt
[10:05 AM, 8/16/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
[10:05 AM, 8/16/2020] Soh Wei Yu: He said presence cannot be found besides experienced characteristics?
[10:06 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: Yes that is good
[10:06 AM, 8/16/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Seems like dogen and soto zen people also talk about everything being real
[10:06 AM, 8/16/2020] Soh Wei Yu: But they dont necessarily use the word presencr
[10:06 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: Their definition is different
[10:07 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: Coz the word "existence" has different meaning.
[10:07 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: All Buddhism need to know the importance of 幻
[10:08 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: 如梦幻泡影 (like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow)
[10:08 AM, 8/16/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
[10:09 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: But the emphasis that things appear but do not exist may not b clear to many.
[10:11 AM, 8/16/2020] Soh Wei Yu: “So, this is a very strange state of affairs we find; ultimately unfindable experiential characteristics that turn out to be nothing more than Presence, and ultimately unfindable Presence that turns out to be nothing more than experiential characteristics. Unfindable Presence appearing as actual Radiance (energetic experiential characteristics),”
[10:11 AM, 8/16/2020] Soh Wei Yu: So to him presence is both unfindable and actual
[10:11 AM, 8/16/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Lol
[10:12 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: Just different words
[10:12 AM, 8/16/2020] Soh Wei Yu: “and unfindable Radiance appearing as actual Presence.”
[10:13 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: As long as the insight is there is good enough
[10:13 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: Unfortunately nothing about energy system
[10:13 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: And deconstruction clarity
[10:14 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: Rob is much better quality book
[10:16 AM, 8/16/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
[10:16 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: He use ultimate analysis for example to deconstruct time
[10:16 AM, 8/16/2020] John Tan: And talk about not being attached to even eternal now

A summary of Seeing that Frees by Rob Burbea.

[11:59 PM, 8/10/2020] John Tan: This is a really good quality book by Rob Burbea.  Easy to read, lots of tips for practice and full of valuable pointers. Should put into our blog, preferably "must read" section.
[12:00 AM, 8/11/2020] Soh Wei Yu: you mean the summary or the book itself?
[12:00 AM, 8/11/2020] John Tan: Summary
[12:01 AM, 8/11/2020] Soh Wei Yu: ok i post
[12:03 AM, 8/11/2020] John Tan: Almost attempts to integrate everything...
[12:03 AM, 8/11/2020] John Tan: Lol
[12:04 AM, 8/11/2020] John Tan: Maybe I should buy the book...but the section on cause and effect and production is too short.
[12:05 AM, 8/11/2020] Soh Wei Yu: ya i think so.. i remember hale oh likes it very much i think
[12:05 AM, 8/11/2020] Soh Wei Yu: too bad rob burbea died recently from cancer
[12:08 AM, 8/11/2020] Soh Wei Yu: haven't read the book before though. think will get it
[12:08 AM, 8/11/2020] John Tan: Yes
[12:09 AM, 8/11/2020] John Tan: Go read about the summary...u will understand why it is good guide for practice.

Link to buy the book:

This is a reminder that if you are interested in Arcaya Malcolm Smith's teaching on Dzogchen - Dzogchen Retreat with Arcaya Malcolm - please sign up now. Registration for TWS online retreat closes in 2 days, Aug. 7th.

I can't say everyone is going to resonate with these teachings, since it depends on one's proclivities, etc. But personally, John Tan and I find what Arcaya Malcolm Smith teaches to be highly resonating, so both of us will be attending the online retreat.

I have just updated this page which contains a collection of some of Malcolm's writings concerning the view of Dzogchen: Clarifications on Dharmakaya and Basis by Loppön Namdrol/Malcolm

[12:16 AM, 8/5/2020] John Tan:

[12:17 AM, 8/5/2020] John Tan: I like guy newland.
[12:18 AM, 8/5/2020] John Tan: Dzogchen, madhyamaka from Nyingma perspective...he choose mipham beacon of certainty
[12:19 AM, 8/5/2020] John Tan: Go watch
[12:34 AM, 8/5/2020] John Tan: Damn happy listening to this youtube

[9:09 PM, 8/4/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Just saw this in chnn book [Crystal and the Way of Light]:

we could even go so far as to say that, essentially, in Dzogchen, the Base is the primordial state, the Path is the primordial state, and the Fruit is the primordial state—and that there is thus a perfect continuity between them in that they all refer to the same thing: the true condition of the individual and the universe.
[11:34 PM, 8/4/2020] John Tan: Yes.
[11:37 PM, 8/4/2020] John Tan: Practice as if you r buddha but u r not yet Buddha.
[11:38 PM, 8/4/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
[11:41 PM, 8/4/2020] John Tan: I think U pasted to me right?  Something like result is taken as the basis.
[11:42 PM, 8/4/2020] John Tan: So not from the view that life is impermanent, no-self and suffering.
[12:14 AM, 8/5/2020] Soh Wei Yu: What do u mean
[12:14 AM, 8/5/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Oh taking buddha nature rather than impermanence no self suffering as basis and path of practicing?
[12:15 AM, 8/5/2020] John Tan: Yes
[12:34 AM, 8/5/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Do you mean these excerpts by Malcolm:

There are two ways be free of grasping: regarding all things as impure and rejecting them as such (Hinayāna and common Mahāyāna), and regarding all things as pure and accepting them as such. The latter method more rapid, but requires special methods, so that it is not merely an intellectual posture.


In sūtra there is no antidotal method of conceiving the appearance of things as pure which are typically conceived by ordinary sentient being as impure. Emptiness, in sutra, is provided as cure for this, in terms of nature, but not in terms of appearance. Vajrayāna address both nature and appearance; sūtra only addresses nature, not appearance.


In common Mahāyāna, like Hinayāna schools, relatively speaking, phenomena, other than path dharmas, are still compounded, suffering, and not-self, and hence impure. Their ultimate nature, emptiness, is pure.

In uncommon Mahāyāna Secret Mantra, phenomena are rendered pure through special methods which change our attitude towards phenomena.
[12:34 AM, 8/5/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Ok
[12:35 AM, 8/5/2020] John Tan: Yeah

For Chinese readers only:

Recently compiled more articles (almost 130 pages) I previously didn't add to the document by Zen Master Hong Wen Liang -

For the full updated list of Zen Master Hong Wen Liang's writings (hundreds of pages), see