New book:

  • I like this v much
    In the Questions of Adhyāśaya Sūtra (Adhyāśayasaṃśōdana Sūtra), the Buddha makes this point in a dialogue with a disciple (CTB 161):
    “For example, during a magical display, a man sees a woman created by a magician and desire arises in him. His mind becomes ensnared with desire, and he is frightened and ashamed in front of his companions.
    Rising from his seat, he leaves and later considers the woman to be ugly, impermanent, unsatisfactory, and selfless.
    O child of a good lineage, what do you think? Is that man behaving correctly or incorrectly?”
    “Blessed One, he who strives to consider a nonexistent woman to be ugly, impermanent, unsatisfactory, and selfless behaves incorrectly.”
    The Blessed One said, “O child of a good lineage, you should similarly view those bhikṣus, bhikṣuṇīs, laymen, and laywomen who consider unproduced and unarisen phenomena to be ugly, impermanent, unsatisfactory, and selfless.
    I do not say that these foolish persons are cultivating the path; they are practicing in an incorrect manner.”
    Here the Buddha emphasizes that if we contemplate nonexistent objects of attachment as ugly, impermanent, empty, and lacking a self-sufficient substantially existent I, we are missing the point.
    There’s no use contemplating the impermanence and so forth of nonexistents; if we understood that these things did not exist to start with, our attachment to them would vanish. Meditating on the attributes of coarse true duḥkha is like discussing how to dispose of wilted flowers in a hologram or how to shave the moustache off a turtle when such flowers and such a moustache do not exist.
    To attain liberation, realization of the ultimate mode of existence—the emptiness of inherent existence of both persons and phenomena—is essential. Saying phenomena are unproduced and unarisen indicates that they are not inherently produced and do not inherently arise, although they are produced and arise conventionally.


  • HHDL :
    To review the causal sequence of saṃsāra: the elaboration of grasping inherent existence gives rise to distorted conceptions—erroneous thought processes—which, in turn, provoke afflictions. Afflictions lead to the creation of actions that bring rebirth in saṃsāra and its attendant duḥkha.
    To give a rough analogy, self-grasping ignorance and its elaborations are like the unscrupulous boss of a company producing faulty products; conceptualizations and distorted concepts are like the salespeople who exaggerate the qualities of the product; afflictions are like our signing the contract; and karma is all the actions we take afterward.
    What ends this chain of events? The realization of the emptiness of true existence. Bringing an end to elaborations involves dismantling all grasping of an objectified basis (T. yul gyi ngos nas yod pa) of persons and phenomena, all grasping of persons and phenomena as having an inherent, independent essence.


  • From HHDL new book :
    The Development of Afflictions in Daily Life
    Although afflictions often arise quickly in our mind, seeming to come out of nowhere, they develop through a sequential process. To have the notion of I, one or more of our mental or physical aggregates must appear.
    Based on this appearance, a valid sense of I arises. This I exists by being merely designated in dependence on the aggregates. Observing this mere I, ignorance erroneously grasps it to exist inherently. That grasping is the view of a personal identity grasping I (ahaṃkāra).
    Based on that, the view of a personal identity grasping mine (mamakāra) arises when we think, “This is my body. These are my thoughts.” The object of the grasping at mine is the sense of “myness,” the I that makes things mine; it is not the body or the thoughts themselves.
    Grasping the body or thoughts to be inherently existent is self-grasping of phenomena, not self-grasping of persons.
    Tsongkhapa says (FEW 43):
    . . . the observed object of an innate awareness thinking “mine” is that very “mine.” It should not be held that your own eyes and so forth are the observed object.
    The body, intelligence, table, and so forth are examples of “mine” because in ordinary language we say, “This body is mine. This table is mine.”
    But the observed object of grasping “mine” is the mine that is the owner, and not the body, intelligence, or table.
    Once the I is grasped as inherently existent, attachment, anger, and other destructive emotions quickly follow, because we want to give this I pleasure and protect it from pain.
    These mental factors arise very quickly, one right after the other. If our mindfulness is sharp, we can observe this process and thwart it. Otherwise, these afflictions control us.
    Grasping the inherent existence of I and mine are erroneous minds. They are not present every time we use the conventions “I” and “mine.”
    When we casually and calmly say “I’m walking” or “This is my book,” grasping I or mine is not present. This way of apprehending I and mine differs greatly from the self-grasping that is present when we arrogantly think “I am famous,” or greedily say “This is mine.”


    Yasmin El-Hakim
    even if one knows very well that this I as an existing person with its body and thoughts is a card house is merely a false identification, even then this feeling of an I is there 🤦‍♀️

    Yin Ling
    Yasmin El-Hakim yes it takes patience and determination 🙂

  • Yasmin El-Hakim
    Yin Ling there is much patience and determination here 😇

Found out I wrote this 10 years ago












而你说"小乘者虽能无我相(住于觉体,理上无碍)",在我所知和体会,小乘的无我相不只是见到而住于觉体,而只是见到觉体不代表完全彻悟人我空,就比如我第一篇的文章那时已经见证觉体,也已经体会"没有被东西绑住,但仍有觉知的状态",但是到后来我在如Bahiya Sutta观行时才突然证悟到人我空,彻底断除我见。而Bahiya因为佛陀那时的开示顿时就证得阿罗汉果,所以我想小乘的体悟就是要证悟人我空。

这时连一个"镜子"和"影子"的比喻都不使用了,因为完全没有照者/所照,一切即是了了分明的觉性觉知,但不是一个了了分明的我体在照物。后来对万法缘起性空如梦幻泡影又有更深的体悟。这个二空显真如就佛陀在迦罗迦经(Kalaka Sutta)所说,“比丘,如来在看物时,不立有所看的东西,不立一个不被看的东西,不立一个还未看的东西,不立一个观者... 在听时... 在触时... 在思时(都是如此)。因此,比丘,如来同样对一切可见,可闻,可触,可思的现象都是‘如'。我也告诉你:没有其他的‘如'是更高上或更崇高的。” 但是这个"不立"不是"不要想"而已,而是要证悟人法二空的真理,因为不妄见而显真如。禅宗有个公案,雪峰曰:“要会此事,犹如古镜-胡来胡现,汉来汉现。”玄沙闻之曰:“忽遇镜破如何?”曰:“胡汉俱隐。”玄沙曰:“老和尚足跟犹未点地在!”健代曰:“胡汉现成。”





p.s. I want to add on to the above: not just have
正见 but directly realize, 证悟见。No self as a dharma seal and emptiness are not just mere concepts, they are a living truth that can be realized and then tasted in every moment. This living truth once seen becomes a natural state, effortless without entry or exit.

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