Tyler Jones
    Which Harada Roshi did HWL study with?

    Soh Wei Yu
    Tyler Jones Ah it seems like its not the other Harada Roshi, but Harada Sekkei

  • 原田雪渓 Harada Sekkei (1926-2020)
    原田雪渓 Harada Sekkei (1926-2020)
    原田雪渓 Harada Sekkei (1926-2020)

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  • Tyler Jones
    The purely Soto Harada lol.

  • Soh Wei Yu
    Introduction to Zen Master Harada Sekkei
    Zen Master Harada Sekkei (1926-) was born in Okazaki City, near Nagoya. His original name was Hachisuka Sekkei, a descendant of Lord Hachisuka of Awa Castle. His ancestors can be traced back to Hachisuka Masakatsu, a prominent figure in Japan's Warring States Period. During World War II, Harada was a key member of the Japanese Navy's Accounting Department. Later, he decided to become a monk and at the age of 25, he went to Hosshinji Temple in Ominato City, Fukui Prefecture, under Zen Master Harada Sekisui.
    Under the guidance of Zen Master Harada Sekisui at Hosshinji Temple, he devoted himself to practice for two years. Later, he heard about Zen Master Inoue Gien and immediately left Hosshinji Temple to join Ryusenji Temple and study with Inoue. Harada practiced diligently and was among six or seven practitioners, including Zen Masters Kawakami Setsutan and Aono Keishu.
    One day, Harada was having tea with Aono, and Aono asked, "Master Harada, where is the Dharma now?"
    Harada Zenji described the situation at that time: "In an instant, to answer his question, I asked myself, 'Yes! Where is it?' When I asked myself, 'Yes! Where is the Dharma?' at that moment, all things disappeared! This is not like an experience, nor is it something disappearing, nor is it something that can be described as 'only.' If you want to say, it is like a state, in which facts exist only as facts.
    That is to say, the facts at that time were no different from before I left home or after I had suffered hardships and pain. They were exactly the same.
    For this reason, I didn't report to my teacher what had happened or what I had accomplished. For a long time afterward, I didn't speak of it, as it seemed so ordinary and mundane. I didn't feel like I had accomplished anything or become anything special."
    Later, when a disciple asked him to explain "causation" based on his own experience, he told the above experience and said, "At first, it didn't seem like becoming a cause, but realizing that you have always been one, right?
    So I can say that I truly know, but of course, this is a feeling, this understanding, this awakening. At that time, it was not an awakening to become one; can I say it was just a feeling that all things disappeared? "All things disappearing does not mean they suddenly vanished, but rather that they were not cognized," "Not being cognized is emptiness."
    "This is difficult to describe, but one thing I can say is: things exist and at the same time, they do not exist. When they do not exist, they exist again. So, this is a gray area."
    "Afterward, the awakening came about—ah, I and other things were no longer separated." "In any case, I can say that I returned to the origin. However, I think, no matter how you imagine it, you probably can't truly understand."
    When a disciple asked him to clarify the mind in the absence of cognition, Master Harada used the word "mysterious" to describe it, thinking, "The only thing we can be sure of is that it cannot be determined," "It is something mysterious, but very important, there is something, very mysterious."
    "Scientists will try to study it and uncover it," but Master Harada asked, "You just let it remain mysterious."
    The Zen master believes that "seeing the morning star or a flower, or hearing a sound, there is no distinction."
    "In my case, it's hearing a question, and then thinking about the question, which is the function of consciousness. However, the other five senses are also involved. It's not that only consciousness is liberated and the others are not. They all happen together."
    "In the example of consciousness, it is through consciousness that we truly understand things. In my case, it's just a single thought, and everything is one. If you become that one thought, everything is accomplished at once."
    Since experiences can only be generated through sensory perception, when "all things disappear," there is no cognitive function. Therefore, Zen Master Harada often emphasizes, "This is not an experience!" This is his "death of the self," the "enlightenment for all eternity," without stages.
    原田雪溪禅师简介 - 只管打坐
    原田雪溪禅师简介 - 只管打坐
    原田雪溪禅师简介 - 只管打坐

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    Later, he reported this matter to Zen Master Inoue Gien, who granted him approval. On the certificate of approval, it was written:
    The cow has entered the mountains.
    There is abundant water to drink.
    There is grass to eat.
    The cow now leaves the mountains.
    Sometimes east, sometimes west.
    Snow Creek's realization of nature.
    Xuan Lu
    (Genro is the Dharma name of Zen Master Inoue Koun.) The year was 1957.
    Harada Zen Master was one of the two disciples certified by Inoue Zen Master. Besides receiving Inoue Koun's seal of approval, he was also the Dharma heir of ordination master Harada Setsusui.
    After completing his training, Harada Zen Master traveled to various places to practice and later returned to Hosshin-ji.
    At the age of forty-eight, he became the Zen hall teacher at Hosshin-ji.
    Two years later, he became the specialized Zen hall teacher at Hosshin-ji and became the 29th abbot in 1974.
    In 1976, Harada Zen Master was officially appointed as a Zen Master by the Soto Zen headquarters.
    Around 1982, the Zen Master began propagating the Dharma in Germany, the United States, and India.
    In 1998, he held the position of West Hall at one of the two national headquarters of the Soto Zen sect, Sojiji Temple. The West Hall is below the abbot and is the main position responsible for the training of Soto Zen monks nationwide.
    In 1999, Harada Zen Master represented the Soto Zen sect at the World Religious Conference in the Vatican.
    From 2002 to 2004, he served as the European International Propagation Director for the Soto Zen sect.
    Hosshin-ji has foreign language interpreters, and the Zen hall allows laymen and laywomen to practice.
    Every year in April, May, June, October, November, and December, Zen retreats are held, which serve as a training ground for students from top universities like the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Hitotsubashi University, Osaka University, Tohoku University, and Waseda University.
    This is also a must-visit place for Rinzai sect and other sect monks, as well as American and European practitioners on pilgrimage.
    Countless people have been ordained under Harada Zen Master, and there are also laypeople who have attained enlightenment through practice here.
    In addition to Hosshin-ji, he also guides Zen practice in Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Shizuoka, and Kobe.
    His work "The・禅―ダルマは世界を駆ける" (The Essence of Zen) has received high praise in the Western Zen community and is recommended by many book reviews as a must-read for beginners in Zen practice.
    § 《The・禅―ダルマは世界を駆ける》(英译本The Essence of Zen)
    Harada Sekkei Zen Master's published works:
    "The・禅―ダルマは世界を駆ける" (English translation: The Essence of Zen)
    § 《参同契普説―The・禅 Part2》
    "参同契普説―The・禅 Part2"
    § 《自我の本質―The・禅 Part3》
    "自我の本質―The・禅 Part3"
    § 《無舌人の法話 色即是空》
    "無舌人の法話 色即是空"
    § 《禅に生きる―行雲流水のごとくに》
    § 《十玄談―原田雪渓普説》

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