See whole discussion here:

Chris Jones recently realised I AM and posed this question.

Has anyone gone through Liberation Unleashed and have any experiences or thoughts on it they’d like to share? They claim to be able to point people directly to Anatta, even without any prior practice. It seems to depend highly on how experienced your guide is, but I think it’s a really interesting idea.
(I’m not advertising and don’t represent them in any way, just wanted opinions)

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    You know I always throw the 80% I AM, 15% One Mind Nondual, 2% or less anatta/emptiness estimate by myself (admittedly I haven't done a very methodical study) which is purely based on my own estimate
    My guess, again based purely on impressions, is that LU is somewhat like 80% impersonality, maybe 10-20% have gone through I AM, 10% have one mind sort of nondual, and maybe 1-2% are closer to anatta.
    But for you, if you can even experience impersonality that is good, since that is one of the four aspects of I AM that will be your next step. For example, when John Wheeler wrote this article, he was only experiencing the 'impersonality' aspect of no-self + I AM realization, so that no-self spoken in there is about impersonality, nothing more, he wasn't even clear about nondual yet: -- yet he clearly delineated the two insights (I AM and impersonality) as both different yet crucial and complementary to his understanding and breakthrough.
    I suppose some do have anatta sort of insight from LU and ruthless truth but it is a minority. Hale Oh said he realised anatta in LU, and prior to that he was at the I AM phase.
    Liberation Unleashed was the offshoot of Ruthless Truth, exactly same approach also, so these comments apply:
    Session Start: Wednesday, 18 May, 2011
    (11:14 PM) Thusness: Don't over promote ruthlesstruth
    many of the blue status aren't anatta
    and that is not the way to teach
    (11:45 PM) AEN: oic..
    i do notice that many have not realized anatta
    why is it not the way to teach
    (11:46 PM) Thusness: what are they teaching?
    everything isn't clear
    how is it that u intro ppl this site here and there
    instead of leading ppl to the right path with the right view
    there are so many good buddhist sites with right teaching
    (11:47 PM) AEN: oic..
    (11:48 PM) Thusness: some don't even have non-dual
    and all these over claiming
    don't mislead ppl
    (11:48 PM) AEN: ic..
    (11:49 PM) Thusness: how things manifest is not clear
    anatta not clear
    non-dual not clear
    (11:49 PM) Thusness: there is not even experience of I AM
    (11:49 PM) AEN: oic
    yeah they dont talk about I AM
    i think its a mix of ppl in impersonality, non dual, and anatta
    i mean the site
    (11:50 PM) Thusness: not only that...there is no clear insight
    so don't anyhow claim about enlightenment
    and lead ppl to enlightenment
    (11:50 PM) AEN: but i think there are some who are clear about anatta there
    though not as many as they claimed
    (11:50 PM) Thusness: worst still overclaiming that insight of anatta arises
    this is pure nonsense
    what anatta...?
    din i tell u experience of no-mind is not anatta?
    (11:51 PM) AEN: oic
    yeah ciaran isn't talking about an experience though
    (11:52 PM) Thusness: from a scale of 1-10, i don't even rate it a 2
    don't anyhow intro ppl... that will only mislead ppl
    (11:52 PM) AEN: ic..
    (11:52 PM) Thusness: not even AF
    (11:52 PM) AEN: oic..
    (11:53 PM) Thusness: there is no short cut
    don't get mixed up and confuse
    out of 10 questions asked about anatta, i don't think they can pass even 1
    (11:54 PM) AEN: what qns
    (11:55 PM) Thusness: lead them to the right buddhist site
    (11:55 PM) AEN: oic
    but in terms of anatta not exactly a lot of buddhist sites have great clarity either
    (11:55 PM) Thusness: there is mahamudra
    u mean ruthlesstruth has clarity?
    (11:55 PM) AEN: not really
    (11:55 PM) Thusness: then?
    anatta must be understood with DO
    (11:56 PM) AEN: oic
    (11:56 PM) Thusness: don't create Buddha
    u r mis-representing buddhism
    I don't even dare say I understand the profound teaching of Buddha
    how is anatta the end of path?
    din i tell u it is only the beginning stage
    and from a scale of 1-10 in the bhumis, what has one understood?
    (12:00 AM) Thusness: understand clearly that it is only the bare beginning or rightly understanding liberation
    (12:02 AM) AEN: oic..
    (12:03 AM) Thusness: also do not give ppl the impression that anatta is the end of path
    (12:04 AM) AEN: ic..
    (12:05 AM) Thusness: also the releasing is still not there
    as for u, release ur contraction
    ur latent tendencies are still strong
    despite ur realization
    (12:06 AM) AEN: oic..
    means sense of self?
    (12:07 AM) Thusness: ur mind and body
    u r unable to let go non-dually
    means ur latent inherent tendencies are still very strong
    (12:07 AM) AEN: oic..
    (12:08 AM) Thusness: sit and let go of ur entire mind and body
    meet conditions and let go
    when u answer ur parents, treat it as a form of practice too
    smile in ur heart
    and be patient
    (12:10 AM) Thusness: after realization, meditate on the 6 entries and exits
    feel that whatever arises is primordially pure
    then allow it to meet daily matters...
    see how it arises...and understand the latent deep
    that is then true practice
    (12:11 AM) AEN: oic..
    letting go non-dually is it like opening to everything as it is... everything is brilliantly happening but empty... there is no coming, going, movement, location, like the universe is a process of activities dissolving moment by moment... there isnt even 'a universe'...
    (12:15 AM) Thusness: no
    that is completely wrong
    after anatta, u r able to experience whatever arises directly
    feel wholely
    (12:17 AM) AEN: yea
    (12:17 AM) Thusness: yet u are still contracting
    ur entire body is imprinted to hold
    (12:17 AM) AEN: oic
    (12:18 AM) Thusness: letting go non-dually means allow whatever arises to let go
    (12:19 AM) AEN: ic..
    (12:19 AM) Thusness: means ur body and mind must let go
    by its own accord, non-dually
    not by disassociation
    practice this
    (12:21 AM) AEN: oic..
    (12:21 AM) Thusness: ur mind, ur thoughts, ur body
    without ground, without center, without essence
    like painting on a pond
    u understand theoretically but not in direct experience
    (12:22 AM) AEN: how is what i said previously wrong
    (12:22 AM) Thusness: there is realization but experience is still on the surface
    (12:22 AM) AEN: think its the same thing..
    (12:22 AM) Thusness: is ur body releasing?
    (12:23 AM) Thusness is now Offline
    (12:25 AM) AEN: it feels like any 'i' or anything is dissolving into just the universe... and not only that the entire universe is dissolving, gone each moment
    (12:25 AM) Thusness is now Online
    (12:25 AM) Thusness: is ur mind is in state of perpetual releasing?
    (12:26 AM) AEN: i wouldnt say perpetual... like every moment of my life i guess... but its like kind of normal
    (12:26 AM) Thusness: no
    now u r only without background
    but not releasing
    (12:27 AM) AEN: oic
    (12:27 AM) Thusness: ur experience is direct, vivid and clear
    but not releasing
    (12:27 AM) AEN: ic..
    (12:28 AM) Thusness: experience is spontaneous but not releasing
    that is different
    spontaneous because DO, but if latent tendencies are there, what arises in like it a perpetual holding mode
    (12:29 AM) Thusness: just like an arising thought, there is no one behind
    but that 'thought' is attachment
    is holding
    (12:29 AM) AEN: oic..
    (12:29 AM) Thusness: get it?
    like ur attachment to forum...
    now there are 2 ways
    one is disassociation, one is letting go due to its nature
    when i told u to let go, initially we do it by way of disassociation
    even after arising insight of anatta, we still do it that way
    but we understand what it meant
    however in most of the time, releasing and letting go is still very much dualistic

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    (12:33 AM) AEN: oic..
    what is letting go dualistically
    means there is aversion?
    or trying to tune things out?
    (12:34 AM) Thusness: u may think ur letting go is natural, but it is not
    it is still a form of dis-association
    when u hear music, listen
    and experience how it painting on the surface of a pond
    slowly dissolve into tracelessness
    as itself and by itself dissolve into tracelessness
    (12:37 AM) AEN: ic..
    (12:38 AM) Thusness: when u breath...train urself to be in tune with the flow
    ur thoughts
    (12:39 AM) AEN: oic
    (12:40 AM) Thusness: ur body and ur mind must be in state of perpetual releasing
    this is very important
    (12:40 AM) AEN: means everything is like gone and everything is fresh without clinging to a previous moment?
    (12:41 AM) Thusness: don't worry about being fresh
    (12:41 AM) AEN: ic..
    (12:42 AM) Thusness: means phenomena itself is releasing
    mental states
    whatever arises
    (12:42 AM) AEN: oic..
    (12:45 AM) Thusness: now ur experience is still very skewed towards intensity of luminosity
    feels experiencing directly and wholely
    (12:46 AM) AEN: ic..
    (12:47 AM) Thusness: like i told u about the mandala, vivid and clear...then gone
    although u understand, u have not experienced clearly yet
    (12:48 AM) AEN: its similar to what i said right 'letting go non-dually is it like opening to everything as it is... everything is brilliantly happening but empty... there is no coming, going, movement, location, like the universe is a process of activities dissolving moment by moment... there isnt even 'a universe'...'
    (12:48 AM) Thusness: no
    (12:49 AM) Thusness: when u experienced, u will not be writing this way
    why do u worry about the universe?
    (12:50 AM) AEN: for example if i am walking on the street... there isnt a perception even of moving from one location to another... in fact there is not even a perception of there being a universe... its utterly empty and self-releasing... nothing i can pin down
    (12:51 AM) Thusness: why universe?
    why do u worry so much about the universe?
    (12:52 AM) AEN: yeah.. thats what i mean
    there isnt a universe
    (12:52 AM) Thusness: so why mention about it?
    (12:53 AM) AEN: cos prior to this the universe still does have a tinge of appearing solid.. like its 'there'... but now that cant be said
    (12:54 AM) Thusness: it is not experience becoming dream-like
    i mean saying the releasing
    did u experience that releasing?
    (12:56 AM) AEN: if u mean everything is gone every moment and nothing solid there then yes... but if u mean something else then i dunno
    (12:56 AM) Thusness: no i am not referring to nothing solid...i am telling u the releasing
    (12:56 AM) AEN: oic
    (12:57 AM) Thusness: ai yoh...
    u know what is releasing or not
    the feeling of letting go...
    (12:57 AM) AEN: is it like the tranquilising of body and mind that i talked about
    (12:57 AM) Thusness: do u have that feeling of letting go
    not stillness
    (12:58 AM) AEN: think maybe not 😛
    (12:58 AM) Thusness: like now u r very attached
    then the letting go of this attachment...
    let go...
    get it?
    (12:59 AM) AEN: oic..
    (12:59 AM) Thusness: like u are very attached to answering to kian....
    i tell u to let go...
    get it?
    one is holding
    one is letting
    (12:59 AM) AEN: ic..
    (12:59 AM) Thusness: ur mind is holding
    i told u let go...
    get it?
    (1:00 AM) AEN: just now i took a glance at taobums, then headache.. then i just let go. gone 😛
    (1:00 AM) Thusness: let u say in the seen, just the seen...
    i tell u to let go of that... more
    (1:00 AM) AEN: oic..
    (1:02 AM) Thusness: gate the heart sutra
    (1:02 AM) AEN: yeah. but if i just simply open to the empty, luminous, flickering field of sensations as it is... it becomes automatically traceless
    (1:03 AM) Thusness: currently there is still a sense of let go
    it is just that arising letting go of itself
    (1:04 AM) Thusness: i m not referring to the explanation...i m referring to that experience
    i am not referring to that u realize that
    i am saying that 'releasing'
    it is just like luminosity...
    u directly experience the non-dual luminosity
    clear, vivid...pristine...and brilliantly present
    i am not referring to that 'releasing'
    did u experience it
    (1:06 AM) AEN: yeah i mean if i open to sensations as they are, they simply subside momentarily by itself... it is because i dont open to sensations as they are, that i cling to things solidly.
    (1:06 AM) Thusness: ai yoh
    i am saying did u experience that releasing
    it is like there is no-self
    it is like u tell someone there is no-self
    the question is did that someone directly experience the no-self
    once u experience no-self, u clearly understand no-self
    i mean now say, about that releasing...get it
    (1:09 AM) AEN: more like non abiding
    (1:10 AM) Thusness: more like stainless
    (1:11 AM) AEN: what i experience is that every moment is gone and fresh without any sense of linking with the past... but there is also not even the 'present' as everything is really dissolving, not solid, not graspable
    (1:11 AM) Thusness: u know what is burden or not?
    like walking 24km...
    then u completed
    get it
    do u have that feeling
    can u get what i meant
    what u r telling me is phenomena is empty...u is passing away
    get it
    it is like u r watching...phenomena is gone
    it is different from being that phenomena that is gone
    (1:14 AM) Thusness: the burden is gone
    (1:14 AM) AEN: oic
    (1:14 AM) Thusness: like u r holding rifle over ur head
    then u let go...
    that letting go sensation
    get it?
    (1:15 AM) AEN: yea
    (1:15 AM) Thusness: not i see phenomena is ever passing
    i m refering that do u have that feeling of releasing
    (1:16 AM) AEN: no i dont feel that kind of releasing i think
    i mean like what u described above
    (1:16 AM) Thusness: yeah
    like when u first experience anatta
    the weight is gone
    there is a sense of relief too
    on top of the vividness
    (1:17 AM) AEN: yea
    (1:17 AM) Thusness: suddenly that linkage is gone
    get it?
    like u r in conflict with someone
    suddenly both of u patch up
    relief and release
    that feeling
    get it?
    like u r having anger
    let go
    (1:20 AM) AEN: ic..
    so u're saying one should practice this?
    (1:23 AM) Thusness: if u do not understand this, u will need to undergo suffering to release
    (1:23 AM) AEN: oic
    (1:24 AM) Thusness: practice because it is not clear...the experience is not obvious
    no owner is clear
    no background is clear
    the releasing is still very much lacking
    (1:24 AM) AEN: ic..
    (1:25 AM) Thusness: practice letting go as if u are willing to drop everything
    i go sleep already
    (1:27 AM) AEN: oic..
    gd nite

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    • 22m

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    One of the co-founder of LU, Elena Nezhinsky, 'gated' at Ruthless Truth and experienced impersonality/non-doership. She started LU and only many years after starting LU did she realize I AM through self-enquiry. Then after I AM, the nondual aspect.

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 Mr Z.R wrote:

"I came to the Prasangika emptiness teachings by way of a set of nondual awareness teachings, so refuting a global, inherently existent awareness was part of that shift in view. As an awareness-only student, I was aware of similarities between some Tibetan Buddhist schools and the Advaitic-inspired approach I was taking, but I wasn't sure how extensive those similarities were. (In fact, in some cases, based on what I was reading on some forums, Dzogchen , for example, seemed to completely parallel the awareness-only teachings, though of course different terminology was employed.)

But I found /find myself enamored with the Gelug approach that, to me, refuses to reduce all phenomena to some type of substrate. But it seems that this specific commitment is something of an anomaly among Western students of Tibetan Buddhism, and there seems to be a preference for overall approaches that are either more ecumenical/non-sectarian and/or a strong preference for Yogacara, but I don't know. I'm still very new to the Tibetan Buddhist world.
I'd love to hear from folks who are more conversant with the schools of tenants and Tibetan Buddhism generally. Are my assumptions above inaccurate? Do many feel persuaded by the turning-of-the-wheel taxonomy? Is the Gelug approach considered too limited or constrained--or, horrors: incomplete? If they do, how are the emptiness teachings formulated to sit alongside some type of global substrate, like awareness? (Just for background, my main sources for understanding these teachings have been Greg Goode, Jeffrey Hopkins, Guy Newland, and to a lesser degree Jan Westerhoff, CW Huntington, and of course, the classical literature associated with this tradition, Tsongkhapa, et. al.).
I replied:
Most teachers are teaching "awareness-only" in most traditions, and this includes Thai Forest of Theravada, and most of Zen school, and most of Tibetan schools. Does that mean they define the doctrines of each school? Not exactly. It just means for most people and even teachers that we see nowadays, they only realise the aspect of Awareness/Clarity, and this makes their expressions sound very similar to Atman-Brahman. I even made my own estimates -- of all those who claim or seem to express realisations, in general, and in some sense this applies to Buddhists as well: 85% have only realised I AM, 10% have realised One Mind [I AM and One Mind are Brahman realisations - first four stages in ], only 2% or less have realised anatman/emptiness nowadays.

The situation today is the same as how it was back in ancient India:

'Introduction to the Middle Way: Chandrakirti's Madhyamakavatara with Commentary by Jamgon Mipham',

"There is a story that once when Atisha was in Tibet, he received news of the death of the master Maitripa. He was deeply grieved, and on being questioned about the reasons for his sorrow, he replied that Buddhism was in decline in India and that everywhere there was syncretism and confusion. Until then, Atisha continued, there had been only two masters in the whole of India, Maitripa and himself, capable of discerning the correct teaching from the doctrines and practices of the reviving Hindu schools. The time is sure to come, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche commented, and perhaps it is already here, when there will be an analogous situation in the West. Only the correct establishment of the view will enable one to find one's way through the religious confusion of the modern West and to distinguish authentic Buddhism from the New Age "self-help" versions that are already taking hold.”

But the founders of each of these Buddhist schools have gone beyond that to realise anatman and emptiness because this is the definitive teaching of Buddhism in all schools. Without such a realisation, it will be indistinguishable from Advaita Vedanta, for example. However, most of the modern teachers and students have not realised it.

To make my case, consider these links for the difference between Dzogchen and Advaita: - Dzogchen teacher Arcaya Malcolm explains the difference between dzogchen and advaita - Kyle Dixon, Malcolm's close student who Malcolm expressed confidence in his understanding, explains the different levels of rigpa, with the initial unripened rigpa being the recognition of the aspect of radiance clarity, and the realisation of emptiness only comes later, particularly the third vision called rigpa attaining its full measure. - Arcaya Malcolm explains how Dzogchen 'basis' is not the same as Brahman

Dzogchen teacher Mipham explains the emptiness of Mind:

The explanations of Mahamudra of the ancient siddhas [but not necessarily most of the modern teachers] are also clearly non-substantialist:


Consider these links for the founder of Ch'an/Zen Buddhism Bodhidharma, and Zen Master Dogen, you can clearly see the difference with Advaita: - scroll to the middle beginning with 'Rujing said that authenticity of The Shurangama Sutra has been questioned from ancient times, therefore ancestral masters in the early times never read this sutra.'

For Theravada, it's pretty clear that it too is distinct from Advaita due to realisation of anatta. For instance, look at the expressions of the Theravada teacher Daniel Ingram and Ajahn Nyanamoli Thero [the latter from the Thai Forest tradition which often has the fault of reifying 'Awareness']:

Arcaya Malcolm is going to start teaching Dzogchen view in two weeks

If anyone is interested in Dzogchen and has a nonsubstantialist view, I trust they will find it resonating as I have.

Oh and... nothing wrong with the Gelug approach as well. It's great in its own way. My teacher/mentor John Tan loves Tsongkhapa very much.

Also, we have people like Dalai Lama that integrates Gelug with Dzogchen and Mahamudra. That's possible too.
After all, as Arcaya Malcolm pointed out, "There is no teaching in Buddhism higher than dependent origination. Whatever originates in dependence is empty. The view of Dzogchen, according to ChNN (Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche) in his rdzogs chen skor dri len is the same as Prasanga Madhyamaka, with one difference only - Madhyamaka view is a result of intellectual analysis, Dzogchen view is not. Philosophically, however, they are the same. The view of Madhyamaka does not go beyond the view of dependent origination, since the Madhyamaka view is dependent origination. He also cites Sakya Pandita "If there were something beyond freedom from extremes, that would be an extreme."" -
Nafis Rahman wrote:

Not sure what stage this is, just sharing from personal experience. Will try to be as clear as possible.
For the past 2 months, I focused mainly on somatic techniques due to having an energy imbalance. Very limited contemplation or formal meditation.
When I walk, there is just the sensation of my feet touching the hard floor. When hearing a song on Youtube, it’s just hearing the sound itself without any kind of internal interference. Sometimes I even re-develop an energy imbalance while listening to music. There’s no need for a “hearer” to hear for me, but it’s actually happening in real-time rather than merely theoretically.
Any concept of anything absolute or unchanging no longer exists. I used to believe in God, but it disappeared as well. There’s no need for a separate awareness, and through practicing the exercises in Seeing that Frees and Clarifying the Natural State I know firsthand that the self never existed in the first place. It was all a self-deception.
I’ve had no-mind experiences in the past, but since it’s been stable for over 1 month, I think the insight has fully developed. However I still have thoughts, emotions, and get absent-minded. The world around me still feels very much physical. After practicing some of the emptiness exercises, I have weird visions and hallucinations, like objects have no boundary surrounding it. But still working on it, so ignore this section.
Sometimes the world seems “flat” like everything is 2D or a painting, but again, I’m not confident in anything beyond anatta. Or that the colors of each object start mixing together like a wet painting.
I feel like I can make everyday experience even more direct, that the directness of how everything is perceived can be increased. However when I do so, I experience pressure around my third eye. If I try to delve into sensations even more it spreads to the crown chakra. Even with anatta I feel there are phases in terms of how directly everything is perceived by the 5 senses. But again, it’s difficult to go further at present.


I started meditating 2 years ago.
I realized I AM accidentally by reading non-duality/advaita books, and doing mindfulness in plain english 30 mins everyday.
Power of Now, Nisargadatta, Ramana, Ramakrishna, was focused on nirvikalpa samadhi...
I was able to escape [Soh: the trap of reifying I AM] using Seeing that Frees, but not sure if he [Mr. A. J.] will read it

Soh told John Tan:

[12:39 PM, 10/7/2020] Soh Wei Yu: I asked him to read clarifying the natural state two months ago (Further comments by Soh: not the first time I heard of someone attaining insights just by reading through this book, so this is recommended reading, along with The Royal Seal of Mahamudra: Volume One: A Guidebook for the Realization of Coemergence: 1. And as I told Nafis, if you are interested in Mahamudra or Dzogchen, find a good teacher in these lineages.)
[12:39 PM, 10/7/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Back then he hasn't realised anatta. Only no mind

John Tan replied:
[12:40 PM, 10/7/2020] John Tan: Like I said yesterday, even anatta there r several phases.
[12:41 PM, 10/7/2020] John Tan: Anatta as in the experiential insight of seeing through self and seeing through the cause for the sense of self is different.
[12:48 PM, 10/7/2020] John Tan: The later path one towards emptiness realizing "inherency" is the result of a reification.  One then progress through deconstructing the reification thoroughly and gain the prajna (wisdom) that not only sees through directly the mental constructs and conventionalities but also the direct knowledge of one's empty clarity.
[1:01 PM, 10/7/2020] John Tan: Don't rush post anatta or even no-mind but refine one's view. Nevertheless it is hard not to get energy imbalances initially which is due attachment of going after certain experiences.

The sense of self/Self or any sense of it-ness is a hindrance for natural spontaneity and therefore thorough exhaustion is necessary.  However maturing this emptiness of "it-ness or self-ness" post anatta is an ongoing process.  Deeply held blindspots are slippery and extremely difficult to see and can take decades to reveal.  

So practice calmly and evenly...don't rush into anything...

Just relax and be fully open to whatever arises without dual, don't go after anything and keep refining view instead of chasing after experiences.  Eventually the clarity of seeing through will automatically result in the everyday experiences.
[1:13 PM, 10/7/2020] John Tan: Without dual and without self

Nafis Rahman wrote:

Thanks! Yeah John Tan is completely right, I was too busy chasing after the experience itself rather than focusing on view. Right now I'm focused on gently deconstructing emptiness and dependent origination. Should I focus on theoretical books instead or continue with this current practice?

John Tan replied:
[1:18 PM, 10/7/2020] John Tan: Just continue with current practice.  Allow the whole body mind to become a sensing organ,  vibrantly alive and intimately connected with the ten thousand things!

Nafis Rahman wrote to someone else:

Totally Random thoughts, not sure it will be that helpful…
I had experiences of anatta (just sound, touch, smell) in the past that lasted over 3 days, and thought this was it! But the sense of self always came back although significantly weakened, and there was a subtle clinging to God or some kind of cosmic force.
Personally, I had to approach the self from multiple angles, really explore how it manifested in the mind in relation to the Thusness stanzas and everyday experience. For example, when hearing sound, why is there a necessity for a hearer to hear for me, rather than just hearing directly? Why go through this unnecessary loop of “hearer is hearing a sound”? Even for thinking, why should this separate thinker think for me? Thoughts are still happening regardless, better to just kick this thinker out of my head!
Going through the ebook from I Am all the way to Anatta (don’t touch stage 6) really helped in terms of view. Especially the difference between one-mind, no-mind, or void in terms of direct experience. The book Crystal Clear by Thrangu Rinpoche really provided the tools and the trigger to just smash this self into pieces until you realize you’re just hitting empty air. But it’s not immediately obvious, so some patience is necessary. Especially being radically honest with oneself about one’s insights and experience. Always remain self-critical. I probably spent 2 weeks after the “realization” just reading Advaita books to challenge this breakthrough as much as possible.
This is an article by Soh that I found helpful: Different Degress of No-Self: Non-Doership, Non-dual, Anatta, Total Exertion and Dealing with Pitfalls (I kept on clinging to non-doership in earlier phases)

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    What were the main practices that led you here?

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    • 21h

    For anatta specifically, I would say reading the ebook from I Am to Anatta for view and Seeing that Frees, Clarifying the Natural State, and Crystal Clear for practice. I was around Stage 3 and 4 when I discovered the blog, so if you have any specific …
    See More

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    Nafis Rahman
    with those sutra mahamudra books - did you require a teacher?
    Do you feel like they would only help (w/o a teacher) if you’ve already reached first few ATR stages?

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    Traditionally speaking, a teacher is highly recommended which is why I joined a Mahamudra course recently.
    Realistically however, I took a glance at it after Soh recommended it, and found it useful for practice.

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    Nafis Rahman
    That’s what I imagined.
    I saw that Mahamudra course you mentioned in the other thread, but it seems to be exclusively about Śamatha.
    Do you know if there will be any vipashyana or a follow-up course?

    • Reply
    • 19h

  • Author
    Myriad Objects
    Yeah I wondering the same thing. The course is around 9 hours in total, but I'm not sure if they will cover vipashyana.

    • Reply
    • 19h

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    Nafis Rahman
    No indication that there will be a follow-up vipashyana course?

    • Reply
    • 19h

  • Author
    Myriad Objects
    There's a possibility, but nothing definite. In case she announces a vipashyana retreat, this retreat will be a good entry-point in terms of credentials.

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  • 19h

    Mr. MP
    What is somatic practice you do? Just feeling the body?

         · Reply
         · 5h

    Nafis Rahman
    It’s more of a visualization, sorry that I can’t be more specific. But I liked this vase breathing technique by Tsoknyi Rinpoche, and walking near nature is really helpful for grounding excess energy.
    Also this Zazen video that was highly recommended in the ebook:
    , Angelo
    , Mr. RDT
    , Thomas Arta
    , John Tan and many others are much more knowledgeable about somatic practices.
     · Reply
     · 3h