John Tan:

The logic that since there is no agency, hence no choice to be made is no different from "no sufferer, therefore no suffering".

This is not anatta insight.

What is seen through in anatta is the mistaken view that the conventional structure of "subject action object" represents reality when it is not. Action does not require an agent to initiate it. It is language that creates the confusion that nouns are required to set verbs into motion.

Therefore the action of choosing continues albeit no chooser.

"Mere suffering exists, no sufferer is found;

The deeds are, but no doer of the deeds is there;

Nibbāna is, but not the man that enters it;

The path is, but no traveler on it is seen."


[10:40 PM, 6/15/2020] John Tan: Very good
[10:41 PM, 6/15/2020] John Tan: I wonder why people can't explain like Malcolm.
[10:42 PM, 6/15/2020] John Tan: Lol

[11:36 PM, 10/17/2019] John Tan: Yes should put in blog together with Alan watt article about language causing confusion.

Alan Watts: Agent and Action

Investigation into Movement

Also, an enlightening conversation recently (thankfully with permission from Arcaya Malcolm to share this) in Arcaya Malcolm's facebook group:

"[Participant 1]
June 14 at 2:40 PM

I came across a passage in a book I'm reading which brings up how Nagarjuna often bases arguments on unstated and unproven premises and manipulates ambiguities in language to justify his arguments leading to criticisms of sophistry. How do later authors address this if they do at all?

One example from chap 3 of the MMK with the following 3 arguments:

"Vision cannot in anyway see itself. Now if it cannot see itself, how can it see other things?

"The example of fire is not adequate to establish vision. These have been refuted with the analysis of movement, past, future, and present" - refers to the refutation from chap 2

"When no vision occurs there is nothing to be called visions. How then can it be said: vision sees?"

The book brings up the following critcism respectively:

This is based on the assumption for objects to have certain functions it needs to apply the function to itself but this is not justified. A counter example being lamps illuminate themselves and others.

The argument from chap 2 depends on natural functions (movement, burning of fire, seeing of the eye, etc.) being predicated on the moment of time which it takes place, and when the non obtaining of time is established it leads to the non happening of the function. This is not justified.

Here Nagarjuna jumps from how seeing only occurs with a sense object to the occlusion the eye faculty can't see. The author distinguishes between "seeing independent of condition" and "seeing dependent of condition" so Nagarjuna really only negates the first one. And that negating the first is close to pointless since no one asserts seeing occurs irrespective of condition. The second is left alone.
6[...] and 5 others

    [Participant 2] What book is this from?

     · Reply · 1w

    [Participant 1] Madhyamaka in China, the author was giving some background on Nagarjuna.

     · Reply · 1w

Malcolm Smith
Malcolm Smith Lamps do not illuminate themselves. Candrakirti shows this.

· Reply · 1w

Malcolm Smith
Malcolm Smith Nāgārjuna is addressing the realist proposition, "the six senses perceive their objects because those sense and their objects intrinsically exist ." It is not his unstated premise, that is the purvapakṣa, the premise of the opponent. The opponent, in verse 1 of this chapter asserts the essential existence of the six āyatanas. The opponent is arguing that perception occurs because the objects of perception actually exist.

· Reply · 1w · Edited

Malcolm Smith
Malcolm Smith [Participant 1] "The argument from chap 2 depends on natural functions (movement, burning of fire, seeing of the eye, etc.) being predicated on the moment of time which it takes place, and when the non obtaining of time is established it leads to the non happening of the function. This is not justified."


Nāgārjuna shows two things in chapter two, one, he says that if there is a moving mover, this separates the agent from the action, and either the mover is not necessary or the moving is not necessary. It is redundant.

In common language we oftren saying things like "There is a burning fire." But since that is what a fire is (burning) there is no separate agent which is doing the burning, fire is burning.

On the other hand, when an action is not performed, no agent of that action can be said to exist. This is why he says "apart from something which has moved and has not moved, there is no moving mover." There is no mover with moving, etc.

This can be applied to all present tense gerundial agentive constructions, such as I am walking to town, the fire is burning, etc.

· Reply · 1w · Edited

Hide 11 Replies

 [Participant 3] Malcolm Smith these are not agentive constructions, they are unaccusative (cf. "byed med") verbs, so of course no separate agent can be established. So what?

The example of the fire and the eye are likewise not convincing, because they just happen to describe natural functions, but this is not all that unaccusative verbs do. When you say "the cat falls down", you cannot say that "falling down" is what a cat "is", the same way you can with fire burning.

· Reply · 1w

Malcolm Smith
Malcolm Smith [Participant 3] the point is aimed at the notion that there has to be a falling faller, a seeing seer, etc. it is fine to say there is a falling cat, but stupid to say the cat is a falling faller. The argument is aimed at that sort of naive premise.

For example, if eyes could see forms by nature, they should be able to forms in absence of an object of form, and so on.

But if the sight of forms cannot be found in the eyes, and not in the object, nor the eye consciousness, then none of them are sufficient to explain the act of seeing. Because of this, statements like the eyes are seers is just a convention, but isn’t really factual.

And it still applies in this way, apart from what has been seen and not been seen, there is no present seeing.

· Reply · 1w · Edited"

Malcolm Smith
Malcolm Smith Any people make the mistake of thinking that nag has an obligation to do more than just deconstruct the purpaksa.

     · Reply · 1w

[Participant 1] Malcolm Smith thank you, definitely clears it up

     · Reply · 1w

Soh Wei Yu
Soh Wei Yu Malcolm Smith What is purpaksa?

     · Reply · 1w

Malcolm Smith
Malcolm Smith purva means "prior", pakṣa" means postion

     · Reply · 1w

Malcolm SmithActive Now
Malcolm Smith meaning, "the opponent's position."

     · Reply · 1w

Malcolm Smith Purvapaksa

     · Reply · 1w"

- From his facebook group Ask the Ācārya

Who this group is for: people who wish to ask Ācārya Malcolm Smith questions about Dharma etc., and to converse with like-minded people. Being admitted to this group carries a commitment not to share content outside of the group.

Who this group is not for: People with pseudonyms; people who think one can practice Dzogchen, Mahāmudra, etc. without a guru; people who think psychedelics are useful on the Buddhist path; people who think they can mix Buddhadharma with nonbuddhist paths, etc.

Also, more by Malcolm:

[10:51 PM, 10/17/2019] Soh Wei Yu: malcolm (Arcaya Malcolm Smith) wrote:

There is no typing typer, no learning learner, no digesting digester, thinking tinker, or driving driver.


No, a falling faller does not make any sense. As Nāgārjuna would put it, apart from snow that has fallen or has not fallen, presently there is no falling.


 It is best if you consult the investigation into movement in the MMK, chapter two. This is where it is shown that agents are mere conventions. If one claims there is agent with agency, one is claiming the agent and the agency are separate. But if you claim that agency is merely a characteristic of an agent, when agent does not exercise agency, it isn't an agent since an agent that is not exercising agency is in fact a non-agent. Therefore, rather than agency being dependent on an agent, an agent is predicated upon exercising agency. For example, take movement. If there is an agent there has to be a moving mover. But there is no mover when there is no moving. Apart from moving, how could there be a mover? But when there is moving, there isn't a mover which is separate from moving. Even movement itself cannot be ascertained until there has been a movement. When there is no movement, there is no agent of movement. When there is moving, there is no agent of moving that can be ascertained to be separate from the moving. And since even moving cannot be ascertained without there either having been movement or not, moving itself cannot be established. Since moving cannot be established, a moving mover cannot be established. If a moving mover cannot be established, an agent cannot be established.


 Hi Wayfarer:

The key to understanding everything is the term "dependent designation." We don't question the statement "I am going to town." In this there are three appearances, for convenience's sake, a person, a road, and a destination.

A person is designated on the basis of the aggregates, but there is no person in the aggregates, in one of the aggregates, or separate from the aggregates. Agreed? A road is designated in dependence on its parts, agreed? A town s designated upon its parts. Agreed?

If you agree to this, then you should have no problem with the following teaching of the Buddha in the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa Sūtra:

This body arises from various conditions, but lacks a self. This body is like the earth, lacking an agent. This body is like water, lacking a self. This body is like fire, lacking a living being. This body is like the wind, lacking a person. This body is like space, lacking a nature. This body is the place of the four elements, but is not real. This body that is not a self nor pertains to a self is empty.

In other words, when it comes to the conventional use of language, Buddha never rejected statements like "When I was a so and so in a past life, I did so and so, and served such and such a Buddha." Etc. But when it comes to what one can discern on analysis, if there is no person, no self, etc., that exists as more than a mere designation, the fact that agents cannot be discerned on analysis should cause no one any concern. It is merely a question of distinguishing between conventional use of language versus the insight into the nature of phenomena that results from ultimate analysis.


[11:36 PM, 10/17/2019] John Tan: Yes should put in blog together with Alan watt article about language causing confusion.


From other threads:

There is no "experiencer" since there is no agent. There is merely experience, and all experience is empty.

Why should there be someone upon whom karma ripens? To paraphrase the Visuddhimagga, there is no agent of karma, nor is there a person to experience its ripening, there is merely a flow of dharmas.


There are no agents. There are only actions. This is covered in the refutation of moving movers in chapter two of the MMK.


 The point is that there is no point to eternalism if there is no eternal agent or object.


 Things have no natures, conventionally or otherwise. Look, we can say water is wet, but actually, there no water that possesses a wet nature. Water is wet, that is all. There is no wetness apart from water and not water apart from wetness. If you say a given thing has a separate nature, you are making the exact mistaken Nāgārajuna points out in the analysis of movement, i.e., it is senseless to say there is a "moving mover." Your arguments are exactly the same, you are basically saying there is an "existing existence."


This is precisely because of the above point I referenced. Nagārjuna clearly shows that characteristics/natures are untenable.

Candrakīrti points out that the possessor does not exist at all, but for the mere purpose of discourse, we allow conventionally the idea that there is a possessor of parts even though no possessor of parts exists. This mistake that we indulge in can act as an agent, for example a car, we can use it as such, but it is empty of being a car — an agent is as empty of being an agent as its actions are empty of being actions. 



Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh:

"When we say it's raining, we mean that raining is taking place. You don't need someone up above to perform the raining. It's not that there is the rain, and there is the one who causes the rain to fall. In fact, when you say the rain is falling, it's very funny, because if it weren't falling, it wouldn't be rain. In our way of speaking, we're used to having a subject and a verb. That's why we need the word "it" when we say, "it rains." "It" is the subject, the one who makes the rain possible. But, looking deeply, we don't need a "rainer," we just need the rain. Raining and the rain are the same. The formations of birds and the birds are the same -- there's no "self," no boss involved.

There's a mental formation called vitarka, "initial thought." When we use the verb "to think" in English, we need a subject of the verb: I think, you think, he thinks. But, really, you don't need a subject for a thought to be produced. Thinking without a thinker -- it's absolutely possible. To think is to think about something. To perceive is to perceive something. The perceiver and the perceived object that is perceived are one.

When Descartes said, "I think, therefore I am," his point was that if I think, there must be an "I" for thinking to be possible. When he made the declaration "I think," he believed that he could demonstrate that the "I" exists. We have the strong habit or believing in a self. But, observing very deeply, we can see that a thought does not need a thinker to be possible. There is no thinker behind the thinking -- there is just the thinking; that's enough.

Now, if Mr. Descartes were here, we might ask him, "Monsieur Descartes, you say, 'You think, therefore you are.' But what are you? You are your thinking. Thinking -- that's enough. Thinking manifests without the need of a self behind it."

Thinking without a thinker. Feeling without a feeler. What is our anger without our 'self'? This is the object of our meditation. All the fifty-one mental formations take place and manifest without a self behind them arranging for this to appear, and then for that to appear. Our mind consciousness is in the habit of basing itself on the idea of self, on manas. But we can meditate to be more aware of our store consciousness, where we keep the seeds of all those mental formations that are not currently manifesting in our mind.

When we meditate, we practice looking deeply in order to bring light and clarity into our way of seeing things. When the vision of no-self is obtained, our delusion is removed. This is what we call transformation. In the Buddhist tradition, transformation is possible with deep understanding. The moment the vision of no-self is there, manas, the elusive notion of 'I am,' disintegrates, and we find ourselves enjoying, in this very moment, freedom and happiness."


Unread post by PadmaVonSamba » Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:25 pm
If Nagarjuna had a mirror, would he say the mirror is a different mirror each time something different is reflected in it, or is it the same mirror?

Dzogchen teacher Arcaya Malcolm Smith:

"Apart from what has been mirrored and not been mirrored, there is no [present] mirroring. A mirroring mirror is redundant, just like moving movers." -
Update, some interesting passages:

Author: Astus

Date: Sat Jul 20, 2024 4:42 AM

Title: Re: Free Will?


Beings are the makers and heirs of their own actions. If they were not the makers, that would be determinism. If they were not the heirs, that would be indeterminism. Such denial of cause and effect is called wrong view (e.g., and is based on the mistaken belief in a self (


Author: Astus

Date: Fri Jul 19, 2024 3:59 AM

Title: Re: Free Will?


The Buddha has rejected both determinism and indeterminism (, and he practically ridiculed those who denied autonomy in their actions ( Naturally, what's been done is done, but currently one chooses how to act (, therefore bad habits can be rectified (, and even the consequences of past actions can be mitigated (



  • Numbered Discourses 6.38
  • 4. Deities

One’s Own Volition

Then a certain brahmin went up to the Buddha, and exchanged greetings with him. When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side and said to the Buddha:

“Mister Gotama, this is my doctrine and view: One does not act of one’s own volition, nor does one act of another’s volition.”

“Brahmin, may I never see or hear of anyone holding such a doctrine or view! How on earth can someone who comes and goes on his own say that one does not act of one’s own volition, nor does one act of another’s volition?

What do you think, brahmin, is there an element of initiative?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Since this is so, do we find sentient beings who initiate activity?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Since there is an element of initiative, and sentient beings who initiate activity are found, sentient beings act of their own volition or that of another.

What do you think, brahmin, is there an element of persistence … exertion … strength … endurance … energy?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Since this is so, do we find sentient beings who have energy?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Since there is an element of energy, and sentient beings who have energy are found, sentient beings act of their own volition or that of another.

Brahmin, may I never see or hear of anyone holding such a doctrine or view! How on earth can someone who comes and goes on his own say that one does not act of one’s own volition, nor does one act of another’s volition?”

“Excellent, Mister Gotama! Excellent! … From this day forth, may Mister Gotama remember me as a lay follower who has gone for refuge for life.”

Nice video. View, experience, realization. Anatta, no mirror.

[7:41 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Lol he speaks of the view, experience, realization
[8:01 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Seems like he enjoys the one hand clapping koan. There is no mirror.
[8:02 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Yeah..

note: this does not necessarily correspond to the traditional buddhist full enlightenment of Buddhahood. Check out AtR guide chapter
"Traditional Buddhist Attainments: Arahantship and Buddhahood"  623

Khamtrul Rinpoche on the realization of anatta in the Mahamudra text (recommended reading! with lots of pointers for contemplation too):

"At that point, is the observer—awareness—other than the
observed—stillness and movement—or is it actually that stillness and
movement itself? By investigating with the gaze of your own awareness,
you come to understand that that which is investigating itself is also
no other than stillness and movement. Once this happens you will
experience lucid emptiness as the naturally luminous self-knowing
awareness. Ultimately, whether we say nature and radiance, undesirable
and antidote, observer and observed, mindfulness and thoughts, stillness
and movement, etc., you should know that the terms of each pair are no
different from one another; by receiving the blessing of the guru,
properly ascertain that they are inseparable. Ultimately, to arrive at
the expanse free of observer and observed is the realization
of the true meaning and the culmination of all analyses. This is called
“the view transcending concepts,” which is free of conceptualization,
or “the vajra mind view.”

"Fruition vipashyana is the correct realization of the final conviction of the nonduality of observer and observed."

Khamtrul Rinpoche III. The Royal Seal of Mahamudra: Volume One: A
Guidebook for the Realization of Coemergence: 1 (p. 242). Shambhala.

John Tan commented on the above:

[9:14 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: This is not just mere experience.
[9:15 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: It sees through the conventions and analysis and realized the emptiness of these conventions...

[7:52 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: Until the meditator or agent disappears for good.
[7:53 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: Few integrate total exertion and DO into anatta (except Dogen) as the right view, pretty sad.
[7:54 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: But there r some articles that r really good by some tibetan masters.

[7:58 PM, 6/20/2020] Soh Wei Yu: which articles?

[8:02 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: I was scanning through our blog and found one article u posted about resting in the 6 senses.  Forgotten by which karmapa.
[8:03 PM, 6/20/2020] Soh Wei Yu: oh.. this one
[8:05 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: U r good at finding🤣🤣🤣
[8:05 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: Next time I can just ask u...
[8:05 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: Lol

André A. Pais I fell in love with that book. I pre-ordered volume 2 already.
[3:03 PM, 6/20/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Albert Hong
Albert Hong I'm not sure if OP got his answer yet. Probably, but I can add another opinion to the mix. To get access to AMness or Beingness one has to distinguish the vital energy from the body. Then the essence of that vital energy, which is the life force or your sense of being alive is your BeingNess.

So you can think of it this way. You have a body. You also breath air or prana. When the air accumulates within you, due to spiritual practice. Which is basically coarse body identification becoming more subtle. Then from that arises the sense of Being. It is the most subtle substance that is arisen from your body, due to you eating food.

I'm not sure what your "practice" is. But if you do anything body based or breath based then naturally you will understand what is meant by inner vitality. An inner sense of aliveness or well being or just having more energy due to spiritual practice.

If you give you attention to that life energy then it will naturally become more subtle until your whole sense of a body is just bliss and knowingness.

then Amness becomes the very most subtle substance of everything. but it all begins with coarse to subtle to AMness.

     · Reply · 5h

    Albert Hong
    Albert Hong A large part of isolating the sense of YOU ARE is due to interacting with being abiding in such state. Then it becomes clear what that taste or flavor is. Then it becomes a process of distinguishing that from coarse body identification, which is nothing but muscular tensions. Those tensions then when recognized as the YOU ARE become bliss, become nothing but YOU ARE.

    So fundamentally the quickest way to recognize that is to get into the physical presence of a teacher. Then the work is isolating it apart from all the possible experiences and in particular the different bodies from coarse to subtle. Then reintergrating that sense into all the bodies again.

    The emphasis is also on somatic practices. You don't just live with your thinking mind. You live as a body. There are modalities of knowing that mostly are not spoken in spirituality due to the heavy emphasis on intellectualism.

    Devotion for instance is a great access point to realize AMness. When you truly love something without boundaries, without desire then the aliveness or soul essence of what you love shines forth.

    So if Who am I doesn't work just note that there are many, many ways.

     · Reply · 5h
[3:58 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: This is very good
[4:00 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: In fact this is what I want to tell u but it can be make more insightful and direct.
[4:16 PM, 6/20/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Oic.. think i will put into stage 1 chapter in atr guide haha
[4:19 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: No I m referring to other aspects.  U r looking at just AMness.
[4:20 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: But Albert put it quite well for both, total exertion as well as this comment.
[4:24 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: Did u get what Albert is trying to say?
[4:43 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: The OP is abt Frank?
[5:08 PM, 6/20/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Its about discovering the taste of amness then reintegrating that taste into somatic.. like after anatta
[5:08 PM, 6/20/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Someone asking about self enquiry
[5:11 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: Yes.
[5:24 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: Did I tell u that at certain phase u have to switch to somatic and energy practice and that is the turn point where intellectual is replaced by sensing energy and somatic-body presence.
[6:03 PM, 6/20/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..

[6:04 PM, 6/20/2020] John Tan: It is the time when I told u to practice yoga.
  • Albert Hong For something like total exertion, contemplation really helps. You can just intellectually contemplate interdependence and action. Like what is doing really? We are always doing. Everything is total flux. You hold that conceptually and then tune into and investigate. Then you can begin to consider the conditions that go into that action. With that effort and intention and holding of a view, you can easily skirt into non-conceptual understanding.

    Especially starting with a very repetitive task like washing dishes. The whole interdependent world is completely showcased in that activity. Hand to sponge to soap to water to dish to wiping to cleaning. All of it linked in it's immediacy. that keeps extending and extending until you see how your father is there, your mother, your friends, the sink, the water, etc. everything is there in the whole activity.

    So you can make insane efforts, you can do A LOT and with intensity. And that is the interdependent universe right there.

    You have to think about these things. You have to apply it to your life. To your actions. The funny thing is that it's actually how things are. The insight is just realizing that is already the case. The conceptual framework just mirrors and is a door to the as it is.
  • Albert Hong Karma is interesting to consider as well. How our personal actions reflect infinitely. And how our vision of the world at the moment is completely the result of all casual conditions prior.

    For myself it is also understanding Ancestral karma that com
    es with the specific meat bag we carry around. Those energies and momentums are at play.

    But we can also understand the same concept from lineage. We are all carriers of lineage. And we are the pinnacle of the lineage.

    We also hold the lineage of being human. Carrying the whole momentum of being human, the whole karmic package with its virtue and non virtue.

    Each moment a choice, an act. Either we choose virtue or non virtue. And that moments choice creating the vector for the next moment.

    Mind is continuous. to moments, to lifetimes, infinitely.

    So contemplation of things like this makes ordinary, insignificant things very important and very extraordinary. Every action counts and reflects infinitely.

    Your liberation is paramount for it sows the seeds and potentiality for others. It makes it easier for others. What each and everyone one of us does. For better or worse is reflective forever.

    Eh and to negate everything I just wrote.

    It's probably better to just sit in Zazen.
[2:13 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Actually my experience is always vibrant presencing.. just a matter of degree.. like getting lost in thought also affects, not enough shamatha. There are probably some other obscurations but i dont understand yet
PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Yes
[2:13 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: No mind is a direct insight for me on anatta
[2:13 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: So what exactly is obscuring is what I m asking u...
[2:13 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: There is no mind and all is mind simultaneously
[2:13 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Now if I asked u do u know what DO is all abt?
[2:15 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: If I say A is causally connect to B what is it really talking about? And when I ask A is empty and B is empty and so is the causal connection between them. What does it mean?
[2:15 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Saying they r empty doesn't mean anything at all. What is the insight and wisdom from deconstructing them.
[2:16 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Further I have been asking u what is the purpose of deconstruction?
[2:16 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: And y is view important is deconstruction is everything.
[2:16 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Therefore when u answer andre, ur points aren't clear.
[2:17 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Having insight of anatta is one thing, having insight of DO is another.
[2:18 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Having deconstruction doesn't mean DO. Advaita practitioner deconstruct self, but y they did not c DO? That is the question.
[2:19 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Now, in Tibetan practice, conceptualization is as if the root of all evils but is it? U have to have ur own insights and experiences to authenticate the truth of it.
[2:21 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Y is view important when u need deconstruction? So understand the purpose of deconstruction and understand the view when u have direct insight of anatta to help u.
[2:28 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Advaita subsume everything into one. So their deconstruction leads to collapsing into undifferentiated oneness which has the characteristics of permanence and Self

Whereas buddhism deconstructs Self and sees self and all phenomena like chariot.. so it collapses oneness into multiplicity and then the nature of multiplicity is revealed to be dependent origination and non arising, neither one or many, etc
[2:30 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Subsuming into one, y?
[2:31 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: If deconstruction frees one from conceptualizing, how is it that there's subsuming?
[2:40 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Because after I AM the I AM appears like ultimate reality. So it does not occur to them that the view of subjectivity can be seen through via insight
[2:41 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: They do not even see subjectivity as a view
[2:41 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: To then its the absolute
[2:41 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Them*
[2:43 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Therefore this not seeing is the root of ignorance. So don't see mind or not mind doesn't imply insight.
[2:43 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Ic..
[2:44 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: But for me all observable phenomena are awareness and there is no awareness besides observable phenomena, this is from direct insight
[2:48 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: When one over emphasizes non conceptualization as the ultimate goal, he is letting karmic blind spots sway his understanding.
[2:48 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
[2:52 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: So as I have said many times, despite having experiences turned effortlessly non-dual and non conceptual post anatta, I m not into no view. Rather I m into direct authentication of right view.
[2:54 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Ic..
[2:58 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: This however is not promoting conceptualization over non- conceptual experience. They support each other.
[3:00 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Why do I ask u what is the purpose of deconstruction? U need to know what exactly does deconstruction achieve. U have deconstructed mind, body and what is this deconstruction about and what is the purpose?
[3:02 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Experience presence without boundary and artificial separation or fragmentation
[3:08 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Yes. To access directly presence without intermediary. Having direct access does not mean wisdom and insight will arise. But when u r able to to access the state of non-dual presence, u r able to authenticate the view so that u insight may arise.
[3:09 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Ic..
[3:12 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: So the view, the experience a and the realization.
[3:17 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Now what is dependent origination abt? Is it relation between 2 things? If not what is it pointing at?
[3:26 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: It is pointing to the nature of this presencing appearance.. because we do not comprehend the nature of appearance we come up with the idea that things come into existence and abides somewhere for a moment or a while... but when we look into appearance, appearance is none other than the various conditions exerting, like for example the image on screen is dependent on eye, electricity, etc.. you can’t say it has been created and is locatable somewhere. it is none other than a seamless exertion just like chariot is none other than the parts dependencies functions

It is not relation between two things because the depending and depended are not one or two.. the vision is not vision of its own apart from eye.. eye is not eye on its own apart from vision.. it is the nature of this presencing vision to be dependent and non originating
[8:02 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Quite good.
[8:05 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: But DO must been seen and understood from conventional perspective. How it serves as antidote for the conventional fictions of the mind.

[4:05 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu:
[7:41 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Lol he speaks of the view, experience, realization
[8:01 PM, 6/19/2020] John Tan: Seems like he enjoys the one hand clapping koan. There is no mirror.
[8:02 PM, 6/19/2020] Soh Wei Yu: Yeah..