Showing posts with label Impersonality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Impersonality. Show all posts[0]=AZUJrJtuTwxk8GrS1VFcUt9jZco6JjUNtYOtxAXtH0uP5zA4AtMlfN0K3kYA-oioPhVUIQJoBJjnBJRaH105tbisJ3-nTbZOF2lh21qCwmjzM296PPy4-ktDwuJBf37pDEJt9htg5_mSjXcien9K11O1BvlAmqNjGat7tTPLWZVTLDAwZGLwTodaPcaGQ-AGgVE&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R]-R

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Curious what folks here think about self-referential thoughts as a marker of development beyond anatta.
There are folks who claim to have no self-referential thoughts. Gary Weber and Bernadette Roberts (now deceased) come to mind. They do have practical, non-emotional thoughts, but that still means that 95+% of the time their mind is in stillness.
Gary also claims to have eliminated all suffering as a result of there being no self-referential thoughts.
The AtR guide mentions how thoughtlessness is not the goal. I get this, since having no self-referential thoughts is likely not necessary to realize two-fold emptiness. But for those who realize anatta and still experience self-referential thoughts, I wonder if further cultivation and releasing of attachments might not still the mind completely.

Soh Wei Yu
Top Contributor
This is related to a conversation between Thusness/John Tan and Sim Pern Chong in early 2007:
It is like what i have said before there is various depths to non-duality.
There appears to be 2 distinct 'levels' of me.
In the first level, mental thoughts are still quite active. Here thoughts arises but there is no thinker. Here no subject-object split is clearly understood.
At this level there is the ‘insight’ of no-self but momentum continues.
However momentum stops being re-enforced.
And there is another distinct level that mental thoughts loses it attraction all together. In this level, there feels like cognitions have
been de-constructed.
There are several reasons:
1. Here most of the propensities that resulted from holding to the illusion view of a background begin to subside.
2. When background subsides, Natural awareness takes place and there is natural tendency to feel everything directly, the burden is being more equally distributed to the rest of the five senses instead of being skewed to just
‘thinking’ alone.
3. A subtle “insight” is about to take place or has already taken place. It is the “insight” that ‘content’ is the problem of all problems. It is what that conjured out all sorts of illusions, fears and worries.
4. The practice of the second door is gaining strength at the pre-conscious
This is a blissful level and it feels like resting on 'nothing'.
It is resting on ‘nothing of content’ but it is resting on ‘peace, clarity, blissfulness, vitality’. Here focus is gradually shifting from "content" of the mind to "qualities" of the mind. The qualities of mind has nothing to do with “content".
But without the first level non-duality, the second level cannot be moved into.
Thusness/John Tan:
This need not be the case. The first level of ‘insight’ is more important from my point of view. It is what that leads to Oneness. A person that practices mindfulness may enter the second level u mentioned without first having that ‘non-dual’ insight of the first level, this in fact has been my case for many years. It is due to the ability to sustain for a prolong period of bare attention or non-conceptuality. The understanding of no-self here can still remain as ‘no-personal self' or as a form of mirror bright clarity that is free of labels but the mirror still exist in a dualistic form. In the second level, the sense of ego diminishes but the attachment of a background is still strong and insight into
"non-dual" has not really aroused.
Edited by Thusness 31 Jan `07, 9:33PM
However, Gary Weber and Bernadette Roberts lack the insight of anatta. The former is into I AM and impersonality (see: different degrees of no self that I wrote: while the latter is the transition from I AM into nondual but not yet realising the seal of anatta (Bernadette is discussed in )
Thusness's Conversations Between 2004 to 2012
Thusness's Conversations Between 2004 to 2012
Thusness's Conversations Between 2004 to 2012
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Craig Nichols
Soh Wei Yu Is the *permanent* ending of self-referential "blah blah" thoughts / a silent mind associated with any ATR stage in particular?
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Soh Wei Yu
Top Contributor
Craig Nichols it is related to what john tan calls transforming five skandhas to eighteen dhatus
I have like tons of conversations on this subject in earlier years with john tan (somehow unpublished yet, i should probably post as a separate blog post) but im travelling now and will post later
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Soh Wei Yu
Top Contributor
Craig Nichols but do note it can just be impersonality without anatta insight as in the case of gary, etc.
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Soh Wei Yu
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Craig Nichols it is very difficult for me to copy texts from iphone from my source document (chat logs) due to new restrictions so this should suffice for now, see the first conversation dated 14 sept 2007: Session Start: Friday, 14 September, 2007
Some 2007 conversations from phone notes
Some 2007 conversations from phone notes
Some 2007 conversations from phone notes
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Soh Wei Yu
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Craig Nichols just updated the page again
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Soh Wei Yu
Top Contributor
With the “
(11:56 AM) Thusness: longchen is like entering the 18 dhatus.
(11:56 AM) AEN: icic..
(11:57 AM) Thusness: or into DO (dependent origination)
(11:57 AM) Thusness: just the arising and passing away
(11:57 AM) Thusness: without the need for a center, a locality in a non-conceptual mode. 🙂
(11:58 AM) AEN: oic..
(11:59 AM) Thusness: depending on the depth of clarity and the ability to drop, there is a very deep joy in whatever arises in a normal condition.
(12:00 PM) Thusness: it is a sort of bliss of luminous presence without the sense of self, division, locality and conceptuality
(12:00 PM) Thusness: it can also turn into a sort of absorption.
(12:00 PM) Thusness: that is the result of clear insight of our empty luminosity.
(12:00 PM) Thusness: not the result of deep concentration.
(12:01 PM) Thusness: this is very difficult to understand.
(12:01 PM) Thusness: it is an effortless absorption.
Session Start: Friday, August 22, 2008
(12:29 AM) Thusness: U must watch the second video
(12:29 AM) AEN: which one
(12:29 AM) AEN: the one that explains oneness rite
(12:30 AM) Thusness: And know the difference betw” etc
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Craig Nichols
Soh Wei Yu thank you so much for your detailed reply. I read through the chat log. Is it OK if I ask how it proceeded for you?
In other words, is what John Tan wrote about 5 aggregates into 18 dhatus the specific set of insights that led to how self-referential thoughts (blah blah thoughts, the kind of incessant ongoing internal monologue) fell away for you and left you with a silent mind?
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Soh Wei Yu
Top Contributor
Craig Nichols Craig Nichols boarding plane now to overseas. Will post briefly, the details are in my e journal.
Inclination to silence and samadhi is there even at I AM phase. Similar to ramana maharshi, eckhart tolle (have you read the power of now?) and gary.
As john tan said years ago, “Like being silent and experience luminosity is in everyone that break-through IMness.
Like hearing music or gazing sky, there is not even a sense of dual and background. When sitting quietly listening to music, the clarity of sound is no diff from my heart beats...even drips of water of a tap...
However this is not the practice of mature practitioners.”
I went through various gradations of nondual experience after anatta which matured over the next years. The details can be found in my ejournal, but as a summary its rather similar to
The Different Degrees of Non-Duality
The Different Degrees of Non-Duality
The Different Degrees of Non-Duality
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Craig Nichols
Soh Wei Yu thanks, have a safe flight
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Soh Wei Yu
Top Contributor
In feb 2007:
(10:22 PM) Thusness: i termed it
(10:22 PM) AEN: oh haha
(10:22 PM) Thusness: as a distinct phase of crystal clarity.
(10:22 PM) AEN: oic
(10:22 PM) Thusness: going through all 3 phases.
(10:23 PM) Thusness: in the first round one is unable to break through all 3 phases
(10:23 PM) Thusness: although there is no entry or exit in non-dual.
(10:23 PM) AEN: icic
(10:24 PM) Thusness: it is not that there is a second round.
(10:24 PM) Thusness: lol
(10:24 PM) Thusness: as what longchen said. 🙂
(10:25 PM) AEN: icic
(10:25 PM) AEN: oh but i tot u can maintain non dual in sleep? 😛
(10:26 PM) Thusness: there is no need to maintain anything during deep sleep.
(10:26 PM) Thusness: it is non-dual by itself.
(10:26 PM) Thusness: more pure than anything. 🙂
(10:26 PM) Thusness: but just like what longchen said in one of his posts, there are various phases
(10:27 PM) Thusness: in the first phase, there is no thinker but thinking
(10:27 PM) Thusness: in later refinement of non-duality, there is no thoughts and thoughts have lost their attraction.
(10:28 PM) AEN: back
(10:28 PM) AEN: oic...
(10:28 PM) AEN: no thoughts meaning few thoughts rite... not no thoughts 😛
(10:28 PM) Thusness: but these are not phases of non dual. Rather they are the different degrees of luminosity
(10:28 PM) Thusness: yeah
(10:29 PM) AEN: ok
(10:29 PM) AEN: icic
(10:29 PM) Thusness: there is always non-dual like what longchen said.
(10:29 PM) Thusness: means he has understood it as a seal.
(10:29 PM) Thusness: no-self is a seal.
(10:29 PM) Thusness: a dharma seal.
Also see:
Are the insight stages strictly linear?
I wrote this based on what Thusness/PasserBy have said regarding his Thusness/PasserBy's Seven Stages of Experience on Spiritual Enlightenment - not to think of the 7 stages as strictly linear or having a hierarchy.
Some are able to understand the profound wisdom of emptiness from the start but have no direct experience of luminosity, then luminosity becomes a later phase. So does that mean the most pristine experience of "I AM" is now the last stage? On the other hand, some have experienced luminosity but does not understand how he got himself 'lost', as there is no insight to the karmic tendencies/propensities at all, therefore they cannot understand Dependent Origination adequately. But does that mean that the one that experiences emptiness is higher than the one experiencing luminosity?
Some people experience non-dual but do not go through the I AM, and then after non-dual the I AM becomes even more precious because it brings out the luminosity aspect more. Also, when in non-dual, one can still be full of thoughts, therefore the focus then is to experience the thoroughness of being no-thoughts, fully luminous and present... then it is not about non-dual, not about the no object-subject split, it is about the degree of luminosity for these non-dualist. But for some monks that is trapped in luminosity and rest in samadhi, then the focus should be on refining non-dual insight and experience. For non-dualists, depending on the level of understanding, one can move forward and backward, there is no hierarchy.
So just see the phases as different aspect of insights of our true nature, not necessarily as linear stages or a 'superiority' and 'inferiority' comparison. What one should understand is what is lacking in the form of realization. There is no hierarchy to it, only insights. Understanding this means that one will be able to see all stages as flat, no higher.
Labels: Stages of Enlightenment |
Are the insight stages strictly linear?
Are the insight stages strictly linear?
Are the insight stages strictly linear?
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